2025 Summer Workshop Program
Our Tiered Tuition System asks you to choose one of the following tuition levels:
$900 - Sustaining Level
$800 - Standard Level
$700 - Subsidized Level
$500 - Student/Teacher Level
Please reflect on your social and economic position before choosing a tuition level at checkout.
For more information on our Tiered Tuition System, please click here.

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What makes a piece of fiction or memoir feel alive? The storytelling voice. The precise, vivid evocation of character. The structure and pacing of the narrative. In this generative workshop we will be reading a selection of short works and excerpts from published pieces by a range of authors, and looking closely at how the ingredients of voice, character, and shape combine to create a flavor unique to each writer. We’ll be using these pieces as springboards for in-class writing – seeking not to imitate, but to find new ways to invigorate our own work.
Please bring a notebook.
Joan Wickersham’s new book is No Ship Sets Out To Be A Shipwreck. She is also the author of The Suicide Index, a National Book Award finalist, and The News from Spain. Her fiction, essays, and poetry have appeared in many publications including The Best American Short Stories and The Best American Nonrequired Reading. She writes a regular op-ed column for The Boston Globe. Wickersham has taught fiction and memoir at Harvard, Emerson, UMass Boston, and the Bennington Writing Seminars.