Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
For Fellowship application questions contact
For more information about the Fellowship program, click here.
To apply, click here.
When does the Fellowship begin?
Do you provide housing and a stipend?
May I bring a spouse/partner?
Is there an age limit?
Applicants must be 18 years or older and must not participate in a degree program during the Fellowship year.
Are non-U.S. citizens and residents of countries other than the U.S. welcome to apply for Fellowships?
Yes. We can prepare a letter for you acknowledging your acceptance as a Fellow in residence beginning October 1. However, we are unable to provide VISA legal counsel. Should you be accepted, please note that a social security number (SSN) or individual tax identification number (ITIN) is required. We will request that paperwork prior to your arrival.
No. All Fellows arrive on October 1. The Work Center cannot accommodate early arrival due to other programs in session.
When will I find out if I’m accepted?
You will receive a response in early May.
May I bring a pet? I want to bring my dog/cat/hamster/iguana/etc.
My spouse/partner is a writer/artist and wants studio space. Can you provide it?
Is parking available?
Do I need a car?
So what’s in the housing?
Where are you located?
Is there an application fee?
When is the deadline?
How many digital images can I submit in my application? Do you consider other application formats, like slides?
How are Visual Arts Fellows chosen?
How big are the studios?
What must be included in my application?
How do you decide who is an “emerging artist?” What if I have exhibited my work? Am I eligible?
Are there other eligibility guidelines?
Do I need a letter of recommendation?
Do I list my name on my writing sample?
Will you accept a memoir and/or nonfiction writing sample for the application?
What if my writing falls between the categories of fiction and poetry?
What if I’m working in a language other than English?
When is the deadline?
I’ve only published one book. May I apply?
How are Writing Fellows chosen?
I was rejected last year. May I apply again?
For additional questions not already addressed here, please email