24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

This workshop serves both as a brief survey of queer American poetry as well as an intensive exploration into students’ own writing. We’ll seek to unpack what it is that makes a queer poem queer & further what makes a poem a poem. We’ll try to locate what role desire & identity play in the creation & presentation of a piece of writing. Students will experiment with inherited & invented form & seek to locate their own voices within the vast & viscous history of literature. Starting with Emily D. & Walt W., we’ll move up to the present moment–looking at the work of contemporary luminaries such as Cam Awkward-Rich, Eduardo Corral, & several others to try & glean what tools & tactics we can along the way. Ultimately participants will leave this workshop with a better sense of their own voice & a braver, stranger way of approaching the page. Students of all orientations & identities are encouraged to sign up.
sam sax is a 2015 NEA Fellow and finalist for The Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. He received a poetry fellowship fromThe Michener Center for Writers where he served as the Editor-in-chief of Bat City Review. He’s the two time Bay Area Grand Slam Champion & author of the chapbooks, A Guide to Undressing Your Monsters (Button Poetry, 2014) + sad boy / detective (Black Lawrence Press, 2015) + All The Rage (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2016). His poems are forthcoming in American Poetry Review, Boston Review, Ploughshares, Guernica, Poetry Magazine, + other journals. Most recently he was named the winner of the 2016 Iowa Review Prize.