Fellowship Reading: H.R. Webster and Vedran Husić
Saturday, April 16, 2022
7 PM
Join us for a reading by 2021-2022 Writing Fellows H.R. Webster and Vedran Husić.

Photo: Michael Cestaro
H.R. Webster has received fellowships from the Vermont Studio Center, the Helen Zell Writers’ Program, and the Fine Arts Work Center, where she is the 2021-2022 returning poet. Her work has appeared in the Massachusetts Review, Poetry, Black Warrior Review, Ninth Letter, 32Poems, Muzzle, and Ecotone. Her collection, What Follows, is forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press in Spring 2022. Poems etc. at hrwebster.com.

Vedran Husić was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina and raised in Germany and the United States. His collection of stories, Basements and Other Museums, was published in 2018. He has work published in The Gettysburg Review, Mississippi Review, Ecotone, Blackbird, Image, Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, and elsewhere. He is the recipient of a fiction fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. (Second Year)
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The annual Fine Arts Work Center Fellowship welcomes 20 emerging artists and writers to live and work in Provincetown from October 1 – April 30. Fellows receive a modest monthly stipend, intended to offset personal expenses and clear the way for seven months of uninterrupted time and space in which to advance their practice.
We invite you to contribute to our April Fellowship Fund, a month-long initiative to support the extraordinary Fellows who enrich our creative community and go on to shape contemporary culture.