Fellows Reading: Tracy Fuad and Sterling HolyWhiteMountain
Saturday, March 5, 2022
7 PM

Tracy Fuad is a poet and artist from Minnesota. Her debut collection of poetry, about:blank, was chosen by Claudia Rankine as the winner of the 2020 Donald Hall Prize. She is also the author of the chapbook PITH (Newfound, 2020) and the art book DADDADDADDADDADDADDAD (TxtBooks, 2019). She is a graduate of the Rutgers-Newark MFA program and she is currently working on a novel. She has lived in New York, Kurdistan, and Berlin.

Sterling HolyWhiteMountain grew up on the Blackfeet Reservation. He holds a BA in English creative writing from the University of Montana and an MFA in fiction from the University of Iowa. He was also a James C. McCreight Fiction Fellow at the University of Wisconsin and more recently a Stegner fellow at Stanford University. His work has appeared in volumes 1 and 2 of Off the Path: An Anthology of 21st Century American Indian and Indigenous Writers, Montana Quarterly, ESPN.com., The Yellow Medicine Review and The Atlantic. He is an unrecognized citizen of the Blackfeet Nation.
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