24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

LIVE via Zoom: 5pm-7pm (Eastern)
If love is one of the most important subjects a poet could write about, then why is it so hard to master? Unfortunately, there are many ways a love poem might fail. The language might be saccharine or overly sentimental, the poet might be self-obsessed, or the subject might just be plain inappropriate.
In this workshop we will look at many successful love poems. I will share several common types of love poems like The Complaint and The Reconciliation. We’ll identify effective strategies to apply to our own poems and each day we will generate a new poem, discuss each other’s drafts, an encourage each other with suggestions for continuation and revision. You will leave this work shop with the solid beginnings of at least four new poems and a new commitment to writing about love!
Didi Jackson is the author of the poetry collections My Infinity (2024) and Moon Jar (2020). Her poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Bomb, The New Yorker, and Oxford American among other journals and magazines. She has had poems selected for Best American Poetry, Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-day, The Slow Down with Tracy K. Smith, and Together in Sudden Strangeness: America’s Poets Respond to the Pandemic. She is the recipient of the Robert H. Winner Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America. She is a Dean’s Faculty Fellow at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee where she teaches creative writing. Most recently she completed her certification as a Tennessee Naturalist.