Panel Discussion: AI & the Creative Writing Life

Thursday, November 14, 2024
6 PM

A Virtual Event

AI is here to stay! But how is it affecting creative writers and the art of creative writing? How will it change publishing and the consumption of creative writing? Will AI doom the art? Will it innovate the art?

Join this dynamic panel of poets and prose writers as they discuss their hopes, concerns, and deeper questions about AI and the creative writing life. Featuring award-winning writers Oliver de la Paz, Katie Dozier, and Keith Holyoak. Facilitated by 24PearlStreet’s senior program manager Jennifer Jean.

About Our Speakers

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Oliver de la Paz is the author and editor of seven books including The Diaspora Sonnets, which was a winner of the 2023 New England Book Award, and longlisted for the National Book Award. He is the Poet Laureate of Worcester, MA, and teaches at the College of the Holy Cross and in the Low Residency MFA Program at Pacific Lutheran University.



Katie Dozier’s love of poetry first bloomed as a child. She memorized Robert Frost sitting on a tree stump and bathed in Edgar Allan Poe as an adolescent. While studying words at Florida State University, KHD also played with chips and became a professional poker player. She’s passionate about encouraging others to discover and share contemporary poetry, through her X account (@Katie_Dozier), as curator of The NFT Poetry Gallery. KHD is the author of Watering Can, and co-authored Hot Pink Moon with Timothy Green. She hosts the weekly podcast The Poetry Space, is the Haiku Editor for ONE ART, and an editor at Rattle, where she curates a prompt-based poetry series.
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Keith Holyoak, a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, is a leading researcher in the field of human thinking, as well as a poet. His scientific work combines behavioral investigations with both cognitive neuroscience and computational modeling of cognition. A recipient of a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, he is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is also a member of the Society of Experimental Psychologists, which awarded him the Warren Medal in 2022. He is the author, co-author, or co-editor of several books in cognitive science, including Induction: Processes of Inference, Learning and Discovery (1986), Mental Leaps: Analogy in Creative Thought (1995), The Analogical Mind: Perspectives from Cognitive Science (2001), The Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning (2012), The Spider’s Thread: Metaphor in Mind, Brain, and Poetry (2019), and The Human Edge: Analogy and the Roots of Creative Intelligence (2025). He has also published a volume of his translations of classical Chinese poetry, as well as four volumes of his own poetry.

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Jennifer Jean’s poetry collections include VOZObject Lesson, and The Fool. Her resource book is Object Lesson: a Guide to Writing Poetry. She’s co-written and co-translated the forthcoming collaborative and bilingual collection Where Do You Live? أين تعيش؟ (Arrowsmith Press, 2025) with Iraqi poet Dr. Hanaa Ahmed. As well, she’s edited the forthcoming anthology Other Paths for Shahrazad: a Bilingual Anthology of Poetry by Arab Women (Tupelo Press, 2026). Her poetry, prose, and co-translations appear in POETRYRattle MagazineThe CommonLos Angeles ReviewTerrain, and On the Seawall. She’s received honors, residencies, and fellowships from the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop, the Academy of American Poets, the Mass Cultural Council, DISQUIET, and the Women’s Federation for World Peace. Jennifer is an organizer for the artist collective Her Story Is, a faculty member at Solstice MFA, and the senior program manager of 24PearlStreet, the Fine Arts Work Center’s online writing program.

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Sponsored in part by the Arts Foundation of Cape CodMass Cultural Council, and Mass Development

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Provincetown, MA 02657

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