Making Art and Making Do

Photo by Agata Storer
“Pecce’s experience at FAWC was made possible by a program that provides scholarships to Cape residents in addition to two dozen other scholarships. ‘Many of them are specifically for young people, or people with economic hardship, or people of color,” said Programs Director David Simpson. “They are specifically meant to increase the diversity of people taking workshops.’ This past summer about 10 percent of the workshops’ total enrollment were scholarship recipients. ‘Executive Director Sharon Polli and I came with a commitment to make the center as welcoming to as wide a range of people as possible,’ said Simpson, whose recent appointment closely followed Polli’s appointment and represented a major shift in leadership. But he admits that ‘the dominant demographic in the summer programs is pretty self-evident. It’s white people in their 50s and 60s with the means to attend. There is work to do.’
Read the full article “Making Art and Making Do” by Abraham Storer published in The Provincetown Independent on November 2, 2022.
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