24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

Chloe Caldwell Mastering the Kaleidoscope Essay – LIVE Non-Fiction December 5 to December 9, 2022 Number of Participants: 12 Price: $575.00 Format: 1 Week - LIVE Zoom Workshop

LIVE via ZOOM: 6pm-8pm (Eastern)

Looking at events from multiple angles can be dangerous in “real life” though in writing it is illuminating and compelling. In this four week course, we will spend each week studying kaleidoscope essays by Emily Bernard, Ryan Van Meter, Scott Russell Sanders, Jennifer Egan, and Lidia Yuknavitch. Often as essayists, we are told to have a strong point of view—but what is less often said is that points of view are complex and often change over time. What would happen if we took one topic or experience and turned the kaleidoscope to widen the lens? Through concrete writing exercises, craft talks, lectures, and readings, students will master this exciting style of essay and leave class with strong drafts of at least two essays.



Chloe Caldwell is the author of three books: the essay collection I’ll Tell You in Person (Coffee House/Emily Books, 2016), the critically acclaimed novella, WOMEN (SF/LD, 2014 and Harper Collins UK, 2017) and Legs Get Led Astray (Future Tense Books, 2011). Her memoir, The Red Zone: A Love Story was published in 2022 from Soft Skull. Chloe’s essays have appeared in The New York Times, Bon Appétit, New York Magazine’s The Cut, The Strategist, Buzzfeed, Longreads, Vice, Nylon,, Medium, The Rumpus, Catapult, Hobart, The Sun, Men’s Health, The Nervous Breakdown, and half a dozen anthologies including Goodbye To All That: Writers on Loving and Leaving NYC and Without A Net: The Female Experience of Growing Up Working Class. She lives in Hudson, N.Y. with her family.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

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