Fellowship Exhibition: S. Emsaki
March 25 - March 29, 2022
Reception: Friday, March 25, 5 - 7 PM
some things last a long time
Join us for a Fellowship exhibition by 2021-2022 Visual Arts Fellow S. Emsaki.

S. Emsaki was born in the town of Atomic Energy: a temporary suburb for engineers and architects who worked at the nuclear technology research center. Working in fields that are tied to energy and natural resources is a common thread in her family. This lineage has grounded her interest in materiality and in the ways in which natural resources influence and dictate the fate of a people. During her fellowship at FAWC, Emsaki has developed an archive of petrochemical wastes that are washed up to the beaches of Cape Cod with each tidal cycle. Emsaki is the recipient of the 2020 Helen Winternitz award, a fellowship at the Paul Mellon Centre in 2019, the Eisner Prize in 2016, and the Wendy Sussman award in 2015. She earned a BA in Studio Practice from UC Berkeley in 2016 and an MFA from the Yale School of Art in 2020.
Please note: To secure your visit, please email registrar@dev.fawc.org. We look forward to welcoming you to the Work Center.
The annual Fine Arts Work Center Fellowship welcomes 20 emerging artists and writers to live and work in Provincetown from October 1 – April 30. Fellows receive a modest monthly stipend, intended to offset personal expenses and clear the way for seven months of uninterrupted time and space in which to advance their practice.
We invite you to contribute to our April Fellowship Fund, a month-long initiative to support the extraordinary Fellows who enrich our creative community and go on to shape contemporary culture.