24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

What is the writer’s obligation in an age of increasing terror and unreliable news? Can writing enact change? Create a conversation? Enlarge one? In this reading and writing intensive workshop, we will look at several writers, both here and abroad, who are using writing as a vehicle for change. Each participant will generate work that engages these questions.
Jacqueline Kolosov has written 4 novels for teens including The Red Queen’s Daughter (Hyperion) and more recently Paris, Modigliani & Me (Luminis Books), as well as a middle grade novel, Grace from China (Yeong & Yeong). Jacqueline is also an essayist, poet and writer of literary fiction. She was awarded an NEA Literature Fellowship in prose in 2008 and has new work in The Sewanee Review, The Southern Review, and Prairie Schooner. She has co-edited three anthologies of contemporary writing, most recently Family Resemblance: An Anthology and Investigation of 8 Hybrid Literary Genres (Rose Metal). Originally from Chicago, Jacqueline now serves on the creative writing and literature faculty at Texas Tech and lives with her family, including a menagerie of animals, from a Spanish mare to 2 dwarf angora rabbits, in West Texas. Her web/blog is www.jacquelinekolosovreads.com.