24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

Kim Addonizio The Art of the Short Poem Poetry November 18 to December 13, 2019 Number of Participants: 15 Price: $500 Format: 4 Week Asynchronous Workshop

This class is full, but we will hold another session in February. To register for the February workshop, click here.

Why write short poems? They’re fun.They’re challenging. They help you to be concise and get to the heart of what you want to say, and to dive deep. They enable a more detailed critique of their language. We’re going to look at and discuss the structure and language of short pieces, from haiku-inspired American Sentences to forms like the triolet and free verse structures, as well as write to assignments (they will be focused, but broad enough to accommodate any subject that’s on your mind).


Kim Addonizio is the author of a dozen books of poetry and prose. Her most recent poetry collection is Now We’re Getting Somewhere (W.W. Norton). Her memoir-in-essays, Bukowski in a Sundress, was published by Penguin. She has received NEA and Guggenheim Fellowships, Pushcart Prizes in both poetry and the essay, and her poetry has been widely translated and anthologized. Her work has appeared in the New Yorker, the New York Times, Poetry, The Sun, the Times Literary Supplement (UK), and numerous literary journals. Tell Me was a National Book Award Finalist in poetry. She performs and teaches internationally at colleges, universities, festivals and conferences, and currently lives in Oakland, CA, where she teaches private workshops.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

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