24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

Dawn Potter Interesting Minds: An 8-Week Revision Workshop for Essayists Non-Fiction January 7 to March 1, 2019 Number of Participants: 15 Price: $600 Format: 8 Week Asynchronous Workshop

The essayist Philip Lopate has said, “The reason I read nonfiction is to follow an interesting mind.” In this 8-week revision workshop, we will tighten our nonfiction drafts by concentrating on the twists and turns of our own interesting minds. We will focus on learning from each other’s observations, questions, and suggestions about details, organization, structure, sentence flow, and other elements of prose. And we will turn to some of history’s great essayists (Virginia Woolf, James Baldwin, and others) as well as contemporary writers (for instance, Ocean Vuong and Diana Goetsch) and consider some of the lessons they offer for our own works-in-progress.


Dawn Potter directs the Frost Place Conference on Poetry and Teaching, held each summer at Robert Frost's home in Franconia, New Hampshire. She is author or editor of eight books of prose and poetry and has received grants and fellowships from the Elizabeth George Foundation, the Writer's Center, and the Maine Arts Commission. Her poems and essays have appeared in the Beloit Poetry Journal, the Sewanee Review, the Threepenny Review, and many other journals. In addition to writing, editing, and teaching, Dawn sings and plays fiddle with the band Doughty Hill. She lives in Portland, Maine, with photographer Thomas Birtwistle.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

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