24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

Joan Kwon Glass Basement Hymns: Writing Unexpected Poems of Praise – LIVE Poetry February 17 to February 21, 2025 Number of Participants: 12 Price: $575.00 Format: 1 Week - LIVE Zoom Workshop

LIVE via Zoom: 7pm-9pm (Eastern)

How can bold or surprising images and language serve as tools for writing unexpected, unforgettable poems? How might we flip the script on traditional anthems, hymns and odes, and what and who might inspire unexpected, poetic tribute? In this generative workshop, we will read, write and workshop traditional and experimental poems that alchemize, inspire and challenge. Readings will include Tina Chang, Ada Limon, Mary Ruefle, Megan Merchant, Chen Chen, Rachel McKibbens, Suji Kwock Kim, John Murillo, Danez Smith & others.


Joan Kwon Glass is a Korean diasporic poet, winner of the 2024 Perugia Press Poetry Prize for her book DAUGHTER OF THREE GONE KINGDOMS and NIGHT SWIM, winner of the Diode Book Prize. Joan’s poems have been featured or are forthcoming in POETRY, The Slowdown, Passages North, Poetry Daily, Terrain, Ninth Letter, Rattle, AAWW (The Margins), Poetry Northwest, Tahoma Literary Review, Prairie Schooner, Salamander and elsewhere. She teaches and lives near New Haven, CT.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

© 2024 Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown