When does the Fellowship begin?
The Fellowship begins October 1 and runs to April 30. Fellows remain in residence at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Massachusetts, for the duration of the seven-month Fellowship.

Do you provide housing and a stipend?
Yes. Our apartments are rustic but comfortable, and the Fellows are awarded $1000/monthly stipend plus a $1000 exit stipend at the end of the Fellowship to support relocation.

May I bring a spouse/partner?
Yes. In general, our accommodations are comfortable for one, tight for two.

Is there an age limit?
Applicants must be 18 years or older and must not participate in a degree program during the Fellowship year.

Are non-U.S. citizens and residents of countries other than the U.S. welcome to apply for Fellowships?
Yes. We can prepare a letter for you acknowledging your acceptance as a Fellow in residence beginning October 1. However, we are unable to provide VISA legal counsel.

If accepted, may I arrive early with my things?
No. All Fellows arrive on October 1. The Work Center cannot accommodate early arrival due to other programs in session.

When will I find out if I’m accepted?
You will receive a response in early May.

May I bring a pet? I want to bring my dog/cat/hamster/iguana/etc.
With the exception of licensed service animals (as defined by the ADA, or as otherwise required by the ADA), pets are not permitted at FAWC. (For more information on licensed service animals, visit: If you plan to bring a licensed service animal to FAWC, we require a copy of the service animal’s registration papers.)

My spouse/partner is a writer/artist and wants studio space. Can you provide it?
No. We cannot currently accommodate a partner workspace.

Is parking available?
Parking spaces in the Work Center’s lot are ample but not unlimited. Therefore, if there are more Fellows with cars than there are available spots, we will use a parking lottery system. There is ample street parking nearby both for Fellows who do not win the parking lottery and for spouses/partners.

Do I need a car?
No. We are located in the middle of Provincetown, near all the amenities a small town can provide. A bike is recommended, but not provided.

So what’s in the housing?
The apartments are modestly furnished. Each unit has a private bathroom and a kitchen with a stove, oven, refrigerator, and basic kitchenware such as coffeemaker, pots/pans, and dishes. All units have a full-size bed, dining table with chairs, and sofa or soft furnishings.

Where are you located?
The Fine Arts Work Center is located at 24 Pearl Street, Provincetown, MA, 02657, on the outermost tip of lovely Cape Cod.

Is there an application fee?
Yes. For the Visual Arts application there is a $57 application fee. This includes a $45 FAWC application processing fee, plus a $12 SlideRoom usage fee.  For the Writing application, there is a $50 fee.  Both the Visual Arts and Writing application fees are payable with a credit or debit card when you submit your application on SlideRoom.  Individual application fees directly support Fellowship expenses, including Fellows stipends, artist live / work space, and overall administrative support.



When is the deadline?
The application opens on November 1 and closes on February 1.

How many digital images can I submit in my application? Do you consider other application formats, like slides?
Applicants can submit up to 10 images of work or 5 minutes of video through SlideRoom. Applicants may submit a combination of images/video using the following equation: 1 image = 30 seconds of video. (For example, 6 images and 2 minutes of video). We accept digital submissions only.

How are Visual Arts Fellows chosen?
The selection process consists of two rounds. In the first round, the Visual Arts Committee members review all submissions online to reduce the applicant pool to 60 percent. Then the Committee members meet in person to select about 50 finalists. For the second and final round, the finalists will be invited to supplement their portfolio on SlideRoom by submitting up to 10 additional images or 5 additional minutes of video. 3 outside jurors consisting of established artists participate in the final round to review the updated portfolio by the finalists. The 3 jurors will select 8 first-year Fellows with 6 alternates and 2 Second-year Fellows with 4 alternates.

How big are the studios?
Approximately 400 sq ft.

What must be included in my application?
Most importantly, work samples, then a list of artistic/professional experience or resume and a simple questionnaire. Our application does not require artist statements or recommendations.

How do you decide who is an “emerging artist”? What if I have exhibited my work? Am I eligible?
Our current definition is fairly open: we only disqualify applicants who have had high profile museum exhibitions/biennials, are tenure track professors, or who have already received awards and accolades that are specifically for mid-career artists.

I don’t have an MFA. Am I eligible?



Do I need a letter of recommendation?

Do I list my name on my writing sample?
No. Please forgive our use of all-caps, but YOUR NAME MUST NOT APPEAR ANYWHERE IN THE WRITING SAMPLE, NOR ON THE COVER PAGE. Likewise, do not list publications or awards anywhere in the sample.

Will you accept a memoir and/or nonfiction writing sample for the application?
Each year, we award five fellowships in poetry and five fellowships in fiction. On the application, you must check either the “Poetry” box or the “Fiction” box to identify your writing sample; then the writing sample goes to our poetry jury or our fiction jury. In the past, some applicants have chosen to submit memoir/nonfiction writing samples to the fiction jury; however, keep in mind that the manuscript will be judged as a work of fiction, against a group of fiction manuscripts.

What if my writing falls between the categories of fiction and poetry?
Those whose works fall between these two categories or employ both may also apply; however, all applicants must check either the “Poetry” box or the “Fiction” box on the application form, and the writing sample will be judged by the respective jury you choose, among writing samples in that particular genre.

You may also apply in both genres; however, writers applying in more than one genre must submit separate applications, including a non-refundable processing fee for each genre.

What if I’m working in a language other than English?
Writers working in a language other than English will be judged only on their own English translations of their own work, i.e., as writers of English.

When is the deadline?
Your application must be submitted on or before December 15.

I’ve only published one book. May I apply?
Writers who have published (or are contracted to publish) a full-length book of creative work are not eligible. The Committee should be notified of any prior book contracts as well as those received throughout the application review period.

How are Writing Fellows chosen?
Please click here to learn about our process.

I was rejected last year. May I apply again?
Yes. If you have applied to the Work Center before, please include new work in your writing sample.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

© 2024 Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown