24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

Matthew Olzmann LOVE POEMS – LIVE Poetry August 2 to August 6, 2021 Number of Participants: 12 Price: $550 Format: 1 Week Asynchronous Workshop

Why do these things feel impossible to write? How can a poem risk vulnerability without crushing us under the weight of sentimentality? Why are so many love poems so very sad? How can the abstract experience of a specific emotion be made tangible? How can you write a poem that will make someone fall in love with you? This class will answer each of those questions except for the last one. This will be a generative workshop. We’ll work to emerge one week later with new poems and full hearts.

LIVE TIME: 2pm-4pm EST.


Matthew Olzmann is the author of Constellation Route as well as two previous collections of poetry: Mezzanines and Contradictions in the Design. A recipient of fellowships from Kundiman, MacDowell, and the National Endowment for the Arts, Olzmann’s poems have appeared in the New York Times, Best American Poetry, The Pushcart Prizes, Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. He is an Assistant Professor at Dartmouth College and also teaches in the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

© 2024 Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown