24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

Sarah Green Spring Forward: A New Writing Habit Starter Multi-Genre February 28 to March 4, 2022 Number of Participants: 12 Price: $550.00 Format: 1 Week Asynchronous Workshop


Do you keep meaning to write but find yourself waylaid by parenting, work crises, news headlines, Netflix, or other fill-in-the-blank interlopers? Do you periodically sit down and create a draft but never seem to get back to revising it? We’ve all been there. But if nature can reinvent itself in Spring, so can you. Let a sequence of punchy literary reads, daily feedback on drafts, and intention-setting exercises float you right into renewed writing practice. Join like-minded poets, essayists, and fiction writers in identifying current writing goals, scheming ways around obstacles, and choosing from among both generative and Spring Cleaning revision-focused prompts to produce a fresh stack of enlivening new work. Each student will receive a personalized 2022 Writing Road Map email from the instructor at the end of the class, outlining some strengths in their work, as well as suggestions for next steps/resources to support their specific writing goals.

All genres, all levels. Inspire yourself.


Sarah Green is the author of Earth Science (421 Atlanta, 2016) and the editor of Welcome to the Neighborhood: An Anthology of American Coexistence (Ohio University Press, 2019.) A Pushcart Prize winner, Sewanee Writers' Conference Fellow, and Vermont Studio Center Fellow, her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in FIELD, Paris Review, Sixth Finch, Gettysburg Review, Copper Nickel, 32 Poems, Pleiades, Mid-American Review, Best New Poets, Verse Daily, The Incredible Sestina Anthology, and elsewhere.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

© 2024 Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown